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Buncombe County Schools

The lists of books show locations in Buncombe County Schools.  These books have sexually inappropriate or confusing gender concepts or content, including self harm, suicide, violence, and/or racism. No data base is available to determine whether or not classrooms may contain these books. Therefore, we encourage citizens to ask teachers and administrators if these books are present or being used for instruction of any kind.

Some Ebooks appear in the online card catalog. Some districts allow students to sign up to read ebooks using Sora or Libby, as well as other online ebook providers using their school ID. PEP does not know or have access to find out if any safeguards are in place to protect children from reading or seeing graphic material that is inappropriate for their age or grade level. Ask your school administrators if your child's school is providing access to ebooks.  

We do our best to keep the lists up to date. If you see a change that needs to be made, please contact us.


The Content Based Rating System was inspired by  the widely accepted MPA rating system. This rating system is meant to be a quick guide for busy parents who want to know what objectionable material is found between a book's covers. While it is a great tool, it does not meet the standards needed for schools to use for evaluating materials for student use.

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All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson
A. C. Reynolds High

Allegedly by Tiffany Jackson
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Community High
T. C. Roberson High

Almost Perfect by Brian Katcher
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

America by ER Frank
Community High
Enka High
T. C. Roberson High

The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Enka High
Progressive Education Program (grades K-12)
T. C. Roberson HIgh

The Assassin and the Desert by Sarah J. Maas
Enka High

Autoboyography by Christen Lauren
A. C. Reynolds High

Beloved by Toni Morrison

A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Community High
Enka High
North Buncombe High (30 supplemental)
T. C. Roberson High

The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
Valley Springs Middle

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
A. C. Reynolds High
Community High
Early/Middle College
Enka High

North Buncombe High (34 supplemental)
T. C. Roberson High
Valley Springs Middle

The Body: a Guide for Occupants by Bill Bryson
Enka High

Burned by Ellen Hopkins
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

The Carnival at Bray by Jessie Ann Foley
A. C. Reynolds High

Chosen: A House of Night Novel by P.C. Cast
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Community High (1 lost)
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Early/Middle College
Enka High
North Buncombe High
Reynolds Middle

Confess by Colleen Hoover
A. C. Reynolds High
Cool for the Summer by Dahlia Adler
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High

A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas
T. C. Roberson High
Valley Springs Middle

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
Valley Springs Middle

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
Charles D. Owen High
Early/Middle College
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
Valley Springs Middle

A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
Valley Springs Middle

Crank by Ellen Hopkins
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Community High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
Valley Springs Middle

Damsel by Elana Arnold
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

Darius the Great Deserves Better by Adib Khorram
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
Reynolds Middle

Deogratias by JP Stassen
Enka High (1 Spanish)
Dime by ER Frank
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High

Dreaming in Cuban by Cristina Garcia
Clyde A. Erwin High

The Duff: A Novel by Kody Kepplinger
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High

PreK-2nd Grade Gender Ideology Books

Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope by Jodie Patterson

Avery’s Creek Elementary

Fred Gets Dressed by Peter Ball

Fairview Elementary

I am Jazz by Jessica Herthel

Fairview Elementary

Introducing Teddy:a Gentle Story about Gender and Friendship by Jess Walton

Fairview Elementary

Glen Arden Elementary

Julian is a Mermaid by Jessica Love

Avery’s Creek Elementary

Fairview Elementary

Haw Creek Elementary

Johnston Elementary

Oakley Elementary

Pisgah Elementary

Morris Mickelwhite and the Tangerine Dress by Christine Baldacchino

Glen Arden Elementary

They She He Me : Free to Be! By Maya & Matthew

Avery’s Creek Elementary

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Community High
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
C. D. Owen Middle

Emergency Contact by Mary H. K. Choi
A. C. Reynolds High

Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas
T. C. Roberson High

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
A. C. Reynolds High
Enka High

Fade by Lisa McMann
A. C. Reynolds High
Enka High
North Buncombe High
Clyde A. Erwin Middle

Fallout by Ellen Hopkins
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High (1 lost)
Community High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Community High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
The Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High

Flamer by Mike Curato
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High (1 lost)

Forbidden by Tabitha Suzema
A. C. Reynolds High

Forever by Judy Blume
A. C. Reynolds High (1 lost)
North Buncombe High

The Freedom Writers Diary by the Freedom Writers with Erin Gruwell
A. C. Reynolds High (1 lost)

Gabi A Girl in Pieces by Isabel Quintero
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok
North Buncombe High

Glass by Ellen Hopkins
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High (1 lost)
Community High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

Grit by Gillian French
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High

Go Ask Alice by Anonymous
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Community High
Enka High
Early/Middle College
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

Grown by Tiffany Jackson
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
Cane Creek Middle

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
T. C. Roberson High

The Handmaid's Tale Graphic Novel by Renee Nault
Clyde A. Erwin High
T. C. Roberson High

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Community High
Early/Middle College
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High (2 lost)
Cane Creek Middle
Clyde A. Erwin Middle

Reynolds Middle
Valley Springs Middle

Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk
A. C. Reynolds High
Homegoing: a novel by Yaa Gyasi
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High

Hooked by Cathy Greenman
Community High
North Buncombe High

How It All Blew Up by Arvin Ahmadi
A. C. Reynolds High

I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika Sanchez
A. C. Reynolds High (5 Spanish)
North Buncombe High (1Spanish)
T. C. Roberson High
Valley Springs Middle

Identical by Ellen Hopkins
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Community High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High (1 lost)

I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
Clyde A. Erwin Middle

Impulse by Ellen Hopkins
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High (1 lost)
Community High
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover
A. C. Reynolds High

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High

Jay’s Gay Agenda by Jason June
A. C. Reynolds High

Jesus Land by Julia Scheeres
Clyde A. Erwin High
T. C. Roberson High

Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High (includes 1Spanish)
North Buncombe High (includes 1Spanish)
T. C. Roberson High (includes 1Spanish)
Valley Springs Middle

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Community High
Enka High
North Buncombe High (29 supplemental)
T. C. Roberson High

Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High
T. C. Roberson High

Lawn Boy by Jonathan Levison
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High

Lesson in Vengeance by Victoria Lee
A. C. Reynolds High

Like a Love Story by Abdi Nazemian
A. C. Reynolds High

Little & Lion by Brandy Colbert
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott
T. C. Roberson High

L8r, G8r by Lauren Myracle
Charles D. Owen High (1 lost)
Community High
North Buncombe High

Looking for Alaska by John Green
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Community High
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High (1 Spanish)
A. C. Reynolds Middle

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High (1 lost)
Clyde A. Erwin High
Community High
Early/Middle College
Enka High
North Buncombe High

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High

Mondays Not Coming by Tiffany Jackson
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High

Enka High
North Buncombe High (1 Spanish)
T. C. Roberson High

Native Son by Richard Wright
North Buncombe High (32 library back room/1 CD/1 teacher pk)

Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Enka High
T. C. Roberson High

Not My Problem by Ciara Smyth
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High

None of the Above by I. W. Gregorio
T. C. Roberson High

November 9 by Colleen Hoover
A. C. Reynolds High

The Nowhere Girls by Amy Reed
Clyde A. Erwin High
T. C. Roberson High

The Opposite of Innocent by Sonya Sones
Clyde A. Erwin High

Out of Darkness by Ashley Perez
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High
T. C. Roberson High

Perfect by Ellen Hopkins
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Enka High
Community High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Community High
Early/Middle College
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

People Kill People by Ellen Hopkins
A. C. Reynolds High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Early/Middle College
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
Enka Middle
Cane Creek Middle
C. D. Owen Middle
Valley Springs Middle

Push by Sapphire
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High

Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas
Enka High
T. C. Roberson High


Queer: the Ultimate LGBT Guide for Teens by Kathy Beige and Marke Bieschke

Erwin High School

Owen Middle School

Rainbow Boys by Alex Sanchez
A. C. Reynolds High
T. C. Roberson High

Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High

Real Live Boyfriends by E. Lockhart
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

Red at the Bone by Jacqueline Woodson
A. C. Reynolds High

Red Hood by Elana Arnold
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High

Rumble by Ellen Hopkins
A. C. Reynolds High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

Scars by Cheryl Rainfield
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High (1 lost)

Shine by Lauren Myracle
A. C. Reynolds High

Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High (1 lost)
Clyde A. Erwin High (2 lost)
Community High
Enka High
North Buncombe High

T. C. Roberson High
Cane Creek Middle
C. D. Owen Middle
Reynolds Middle
Valley Springs Middle

Shout by Lauren Halse Anderson
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

Slammed by Colleen Hoover
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Enka High
T. C. Roberson High

Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High (1 lost)
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

Smoke by Ellen Hopkins
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
Valley Springs Middle

Sold by Patricia McCormick
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Enka High
T. C. Roberson High

Speak by Lauren Halse Anderson
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High (1 lost)
Community High
Early/Middle College
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
C.D. Owen Middle (1 lost)
Clyde A. Erwin Middle
Enka Middle
North Buncombe Middle
Valley Springs Middle
North Buncombe Elementary

Speak: The Graphic Novel by Lauren Halse Anderson
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Enka High
North Buncombe High
Valley Springs Middle
Spinning by Tillie Walden
Clyde A. Erwin High
Enka High
North Buncombe High

Spinning by Tillie Walden
Clyde A. Erwin High
Enka High
North Buncombe High

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High (1 lost)
Community High
Enka High
Early/Middle College
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
Valley Springs Middle

This One Summer by Mariko Tamaki
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Community High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

Tilt by Ellen Hopkins
A. C. Reynolds High (1 lost)
Community High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
Valley Springs Middle (1 lost)

Traffick by Ellen Hopkins
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
T. C. Roberson High

Tricks by Ellen Hopkins
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Community High
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Matthieu
Clyde A. Erwin High
Community High
North Buncombe High
Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
Valley Springs Middle

The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Enka High
North Buncombe High
Verity by Colleen Hoover
A. C. Reynolds High

Water for Elephants by Sarah Gruen
A. C. Reynolds High
North Buncombe High

We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High

What Girls are Made of by Elana Arnold
T. C. Roberson High

When I Was the Greatest by Jason Reynolds
Clyde A. Erwin High
T. C. Roberson High

Where I End and You Begin by Preston Norton
A. C. Reynolds High
Clyde A. Erwin High
T. C. Roberson High

A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High

Enka High
Clyde A. Erwin Middle

Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
A. C. Reynolds High (1 lost)
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
Community High (1 lost)
Enka High
North Buncombe High
T. C. Roberson High
C. A. Erwin Middle
North Buncombe Middle

Yolk by Mary H.K.Choi
Clyde A. Erwin High
North Buncombe High

The You I’ve Never Known by Ellen Hopkins
A. C. Reynolds High
Charles D. Owen High
Clyde A. Erwin High
T. C. Roberson High
You Too? by Janet Gurtler
Clyde A. Erwin High

You Too? by Janet Gurtler
Clyde A. Erwin High

 Pavement Education Project...engaging, and mobilizing the public for positive change in education.

The Pavement Education Project is composed of non-partisan volunteers who are concerned with the well being of children and the rights of parents and guardians. The PEP mission is to inform, engage, and mobilize parents and communities for positive change in education and educational issues. Join our team to get involved.

The Pavement Education Project is a non-profit, non-partisan 501 (c)(4) organization. Any donations will go towards  projects that support educating and engaging North Carolina communities and families. Contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. 

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