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Reservar ubicaciones

esta lista de  Libros en cuestión  mostrar ubicaciones en las bibliotecas de las escuelas públicas del condado de Wake.  Estos libros tienen contenido obsceno. No hay una base de datos disponible para determinar si las aulas pueden o no contener estos libros. Por lo tanto, alentamos a los ciudadanos a consultar a los maestros y administradores para verificar que no estén presentes o que no estén siendo utilizados para instrucción de ningún tipo. Libby, Overdrive y otras fuentes de libros electrónicos utilizadas en las escuelas tampoco se reflejan en esta lista.

The Content Based Rating System was inspired by  the widely accepted MPA rating system. This rating system is meant to be a quick guide for busy parents who want to know what objectionable material is found between a book's covers. While it is a great tool, it does not meet the standards needed for schools to use for evaluating materials for student use.

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Una corte de niebla y furia de Sarah Maas

Apex Amistad Alto

Ápice alto

Cary alto

Enloe alto

Fuquay Varina High

granero alto

Esperanza verde alta

Nivel verde alto

Holly primaveras alta

Alto de Middle Creek

Universidad y carrera de North Wake

Pantera Creek alta

escuela secundaria sanderson

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

despertar bosque alto


No todos los chicos son azules de George M Johnson

Ápice alto

Cary alto

Fuquay Varina High

Esperanza verde alta

Nivel verde alto

Secundaria de Knightdale

Carretera de Leesville alta

Escuela secundaria de Rolesville

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

despertar bosque alto

sauce primavera alta

Mantas de Craig Thompson

Fuquay Varina High

Darío el Grande se merece algo mejor por Adib Khorram

Centro Alston Ridge

Centro de Davis Drive

Oriente Garner medio

Centro de la calle Lufkin

Centro del río Neuse

Centro de la curva del río

Ápice alto

Cary alto

Enloe alto

Fuquay Varina High

Nivel verde alto

Holly primaveras alta

Carretera de Leesville alta

Pantera Creek alta

phillips alta

Escuela secundaria de Rolesville

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

Secundaria del sureste de Raleigh

despertar bosque alto

sauce primavera alta


Vuela en la pared de E. Lockhart

Centro Wendell

Apex Amistad Alto

Nivel verde alto

Instituto Millbrook

Escuela secundaria de Rolesville

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

Jorge de Alex Gino

Primaria Abbott Creek

Primaria Aversboro

Primaria Beaverdam

primaria brooks

Primaria Bryan Road

Primaria Buckhorn

Escuela Primaria Cedar Fork

Primaria Conn

Escuela Primaria Durant Rd

Escuela Primaria Fox Rd

Escuela primaria Harris Creek

Primaria Hortons Creek

Escuela Primaria Hunter

Primaria Jeffreys Grove

Primaria Lincoln Heights

Primaria Morrisville

Primaria North Ridge

Primaria Oakview

Primaria Olive Chapel

Primaria Parkside

Escuela Primaria Pleasant Grove

Escuela Primaria Pleasant Union

Primaria Powell

Primaria Rogers Lane

Primaria Rolesville

Primaria Scotts Ridge

Escuela primaria de los lagos del sur

Escuela Primaria Sureste de Raleigh

elemental duro

Primaria Vance

Primaria Vandora

Primaria Roble Blanco

Primaria Wiley

Apex Amistad Medio                 

Ápice medio

Carrol medio

Campus Centenario Medio

Centro de Davis Drive

Centro de Dillard Drive

Centro de la calle Durant

Este de Cary Medio

Secundaria Holly Grove

Centro de la calle Lufkin

Parque medio Mills

Centro de la plaza Moore

Centro de Mount Vernon

Centro de Oberlin

Medio hueco de pino

Centro Reedy Creek

Centro de la curva del río

Centro de Rolesville

Centro de Rolesville

Centro de Salem

Centro Wake Forest

Centro Wendell

Centro del lago oeste

Apex Amistad Alto

  Carretera de Leesville alta

  Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

  Escuela secundaria Wakefield



Género queer de MaiaKobabe

Secundaria de Knightdale

Pantera Creek alta

Idéntico por

Apex Amistad Alto

Broughton alto

Enloe alto

granero alto

Alto patrimonio

Holly primaveras alta

Carretera de Leesville alta

Alto de Middle Creek

Instituto Millbrook

Pantera Creek alta

Escuela secundaria de Rolesville

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

Es perfectamente normal de Robie Harris y Michael Emberly

Carrol medio

Campus Centenario Medio

Centro Wendell

Tierra de Jesús de Julia Scheeres

Esperanza verde alta

Holly primaveras alta

Carretera de Leesville alta

Instituto Millbrook

Pantera Creek alta

Chico del césped de Jonathan Evison

Ápice alto

Cary alto

Fuquay Varina High

Nivel verde alto

Pantera Creek alta

escuela secundaria sanderson

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

sauce primavera alta


Nada de lo anterior de IW Gregorio

Apex amistad alta

Broughton alto

Esperanza verde alta

De la oscuridad de Ashley Hope Pérez

Apex Amistad Alto

Ápice alto

Broughton alto

Cary alto

Fuquay Varina High

granero alto

Esperanza verde alta

Nivel verde alto

Carretera de Leesville alta

Academia universitaria y profesional de North Wake

Pantera Creek alta

escuela secundaria sanderson

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

despertar bosque alto

Escuela secundaria Wakefield

sauce primavera alta

Rojo, blanco y azul real de Casey McQuiston

Ápice alto

Enloe alto

Fuquay Varina High

Holly primaveras alta

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

Wake Early Facultad de Salud y Ciencias

despertar bosque alto

sauce primavera alta

Repensando lo normal por Katie Rain Hill

Apex Amistad Alto

Ápice alto

Broughton alto

Fuquay Varina High

granero alto

Nivel verde alto

Holly primaveras alta

Carretera de Leesville alta

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

El sexo es una palabra graciosa de Cory Silverberg

Escuela Secundaria Carroll


Los enemigos de Jesse Andrews

Apex Amistad Alto

Ápice alto

Cary alto

Fuquay Varina High

granero alto

Esperanza verde alta

Nivel verde alto

Escuela secundaria Holly Ridge

Carretera de Leesville alta

Universidad y carrera de North Wake

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

Secundaria del sureste de Raleigh

despertar bosque alto

primaveras de sauce alto

El momento infinito de nosotros por Lauren Myracle

Apex Amistad Alto

granero alto

Nivel verde alto

Academia universitaria y profesional del noroeste

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

Universidad y carrera de Vernon Malone

Escuela secundaria Wakefield

This One Summer de Jillian y Mariko Tamaki

Centro Alston Ridge

Apex Amistad Medio

Ápice alto

Carrol medio

Cary alto

Campus Centenario Medio

Centro de Dillard Drive

Despertar del este alto

Secundaria Fuquay-Varina

granero alto

Esperanza verde alta

Nivel verde alto

Secundaria Holly Grove

Centro Ligon

Centro del río Neuse

Centro de North Garner

Academia universitaria y profesional de North Wake

Pantera Creek alta

Centro de la curva del río

Escuela secundaria de Rolesville

Centro de Rolesville

escuela secundaria sanderson

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

Secundaria del sureste de Raleigh

Vernon Malone Universidad y Carrera Acmy

Centro Wake Forest

Escuela secundaria Wakefield

sauce primavera alta

Zebulon medio

Tfn de Lauren Myracle

Fuquay Varina High

Nivel verde alto

Parque medio Mills

Academia universitaria y profesional de North Wake

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

Dos chicos besándose de David Levithan

Apex Amistad Alto

Broughton alto

Fuquay Varina High 

granero alto

Nivel verde alto

Instituto Millbrook

Universidad y carrera de North Wake

Escuela secundaria de Rolesville

escuela secundaria sanderson

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

Universidad y carrera de Vernon Malone

sauce primavera alta

¿Esperar lo? por Heather Corina, I. Rotman y L. Howard

Centro del río Neuse

De qué están hechas las chicas de Elana Arnold

Apex Amistad Alto

Ápice alto

Broughton alto

Cary alto

Despertar del este alto

Fuquay Varina High

granero alto

Esperanza verde alta

Nivel verde alto

acebo primavera alto

Carretera de Leesville alta

Escuela secundaria del sur de Garner

Secundaria del sureste de Raleigh

sauce primavera alta

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher 

Andrews High School

Eastern Guilford HIgh School

Grimsley HIgh School

High Point Central High

Northern Guilford High

Northwest Guilford High

Page High School

Penn-Griffin School of the Arts

Ragsdale High School

Southeast Guilford High

Weaver Academy

This One Summer: by Jillian and Mariko Tamaki

Andrews High School

Grimsley High School

High Point Central High

Northeast Guilford HIgh School

Northwest Guilford HIgh

Page High School

Penn-Griffin School of the Arts

Western Guilford High School

Tricks by Ellen Hopkins
Eastern Guilford High School
Grimsley High School
Northwest High School
Page High School
Southeast Guilford High School

Ttfn by Lauren Myracle

Andrews High School

Page High School

Weaver Academy

The V-Word by Amber Keyser

Andrews High School

Grimsley High School

What Girls Are Made Of by Elana Arnold

Andrews High School

Grimsley HIgh School

Northern Guilford High

Smith High School

When Aidan Became a Brother by Kyle Lukoff

Southern Elementary

When I Was the Greatest by Jason Reynolds

Allen Middle School

Allen Jay Middle

Eastern Guilford Middle School

Mendenhall Middle School

Andrews High School

Dudley High School

Eastern Guilford High School

Grimsley High School

High Point Central High

Jamestown Middle School

Northeast Guilford High School

Northern Guilford High

Northwest Guilford High

Page High School

Penn-Griffin School of the Arts

Smith HIgh School

Southeast Guilford High School

Southwest Guilford High School

Weaver Academy

Western Guilford High School

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami

Andrews High School

Eastern Guilford High School

Grimsley High School

HIgh Point Central HIgh School

Northeast Guilford High School

Smith HIgh School

Weaver Academy

Western Guilford High School


Born Ready:The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope by Jodie Patterson

Joyner Elem

Gibsonville Elem

Gillespie Elem

Hunter Elem

Morehead Elem

Northwood Elem

Pearce Elem

Peck Elem

Pilot Elem

Reedy Fork Elem

Call Me Max by Kyle Lukoff

Fairview Elem

Jones Elem

Lindley Elem

Southwest Elem

Stokesdale Elem

Fred Gets Dressed by Peter Brown

Bessemer Elem

Bluford Peeler Steam Academy

Colfax Elem

EP Pearce Elem

Fairview Elem

Irving Park

Jones Elem

Joyner Elem

Kirkman Park Elem

Northwood Elem

Parkview Elem 

Pilot Elem

Pearce Elem

Rankin Elem

Summerfield Elem

George by Alex Gino (Melissa)

Alamance Elem

Alderman Elem

Allen Jay Elem

Bessemer Elem

Bluford Peeler Steam Academy

Brightwood Elem

Brooks Elem

Claxton Elem

Colfax Elem

Cone Elem

EP Pearce Elem

Erwin Elem

Fairview Elem

Falkener Elem

Florence ELem

Foust Elem

Frazier Elem

General Greene Elem

Gillespie Elem

Guilford Elem

Hunter Elem

Irving Park Elem

Jamestown Elem

Jefferson Elem

Jesse Wharton Elem

Johnson Street Global Studies

Jones Elem

Joyner Elem

Kirkman Park Elem

Lindley Elem

Madison Elem

McNair Elem

Mills Road Elem

Monticello Brown Summit Elem

Montlieu Academy

Morehead Elem

Murphey Elem

Northern Elem

Northwood Elem

Oak Hill Elem

Oak Ridge Elem

Oak View Elem

Parkview Elem

Pearce Elem

Peck Elem

Peeler Elem

Pilot Elem

Pleasant Garden Elem

Rankin Elem

Sedalia Elem

Sedgefield Elem

Shadybrook Elem

Simkins Elem

Southern Elem

Southwest Elem

Stokesdale Elem

Sumner Elem

Union Hill Elem

Allen Middle

Ferndale Middle

Herbin-Metz Education Center

Kernodle Middle

Welborn Academy of Science and Technology

Academy at Lincoln

Brown Summit Middle

Christine J Greene Education Center

Doris Henderson Newcomers School

Eastern Guilford Middle School

Haynes-Inman Education Center

Gateway Education Center

Jackson Middle School

Jamestown Middle School

Kiser Middle School

Mendenhall Middle

Northern Guilford Middle

Northeast Guilford Middle

Northwest Middle School

Southeast Guilford Middle 

Southern Guilford Middle

Southwest Middle School

Western Guilford Middle School

Swann Middle School

I Am Jazz by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings

Alamance Elementary

Alderman Elem

Allen Jay Elem

Bessemer Elem

Bluford Peeler Steam Academy

Brightwood Elem

Brooks Elem

Claxton Elem

Colfax   Elem

Cone Elem

E P Pearce Elem

Erwin Elem

Fairview Elem

Falkener Elem

Florence Elem

Foust Elem

Frazier Elem

General Greene Elem

Gibsonville Elem

Gillespie Elem

Guilford Elem

Hunter Elem

Irving Park Elem

Jamestown Elem

Jefferson Elem

Jesse Wharton

Johnson St Global Studies

Jones Elem

Joyner Elem

Kirkman Park

Lindley Park

Madison Elem

McLeansvilleville Elem

McNair Elem

Monticello Brown Summit Elem

Montlieu Academy

Morehead Elem

Murphey Elem

Northern Elem

Northwood Elem

Pearce Elem

Oak Hill Elem

Oak Ridge Elem

Oak View Elem

Parkview Elem

Peck Elem

Peeler Elem

Pilot Elem

Pleasant Garden Elem

Rankin Elem School

Reedy Fork Elem School

Sedalia Elem School

Sedgefield Elem

Shadybrook Elem

SImkins Elem

Southern Elem

Southwest Elem

Sternberger Elem

Stokesdale Elem

Sumner Elem

Union Hill Elem

Christine J Greene Education Center

Doris Henderson Newcomers School

Gateway Education Center

Haynes-Inman Education Center

Herbin-Metz Education Center

It Feels Good to Be Yourself by Theresa Thorn

Alamance Elem

Brightwood Elem

Cone Elem

Erwin Elem

Johnson St Global Studies

Joyner Elem

Morehead Elem

Oak View Elem

Rankin Elem

Morehead Elem

Northeast Middle

Peeler Elem

Northeast Guilford Middle School

Jack (Not Jackie) by Erica Silverman and Holly Hatam

Northwood Elem

Jacob's New Dress by Sarah and Ian Hoffman

Allen Jay Elem

Bluford-Peeler Steam Academy

Brooks Elem

Colfax Elem

Cone Elem

E P Pearce Elem

Erwin Elem

Fairview Elem

Falkener Elem

Florence Elem

Foust Elem

Frazier Elem

General Greene Elem

Gibsonville Elem

Gillespie Elem

Guilford Elem

Irving Park Elem

Jamestown Elem

Jefferson Elem

Jesse Wharton Elem

Jones Elem

Joyner Elem

Kirkman Park Elem

Mills Road Elem

Monticello Brown Summit Elem

Montlieu Academy

Morehead Elem

Murphey Elem

Northern Elem

Northwood Elem

Oak Hill Elem

Oak Ridge Elem

Oak View Elem

Parkview Elem

Pearce Elem

Peck Elem

Pilot Elem

Pleasant Garden Elem

Peeler Elem

Rankin Elem

Reedy Fork Elem

Sedalia Elem

Sedgefield Elem

Shadybrook Elem

Simkins Elem

Southern Elem

Southwest Elem

Sternberger Elem

Stokesdale Elem

Sumner Elem

Union Hill Elem

Christine J Greene Education Center

Doris Henderson Newcomers School

Gateway Education Center

Haynes-Inman Education Center

Herbin-Metz Education Center

Julian is a Mermaid by Jessica Love

Brightwood  Elem

Colfax Elem

Pilot Elem

Rankin Elem

Summerfield Elem

Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress by  Christine Baldacchino

Oak Ridge Elem

Oak View Elem

My Princess Boy by Cheryl Kilodavis

Alamance Elem

Alderman Elem

Allen Jay Elem

Bessemer Elem

Bluford-Peeler Steam Academy

Brightwood Elem

Brooks Elem

Claxton Elem

Colfax Elem

Cone Elem

EP Pearce Elem

Erwin Elem

Fairview Elem

Falkener Elem

Florence Elem

Foust Elem

Frazier Elem

General Greene Elem

Gibsonville Elem

Gillespie Elem

Guilford Elem

Hunter Elem

Irving Park Elem

Jamestown Elem

Jefferson Elem

Jesse Wharton Elem

Johnson Street Global Studies

Jones Elem

Joyner Elem

Kirkman Elem

Lindley Elem

Madison Elem

Mills Road Elem

Monticello Brown Summit Elem

Montlieu Academy

Morehead Elem

Murphey Elem

Northern Elem

Northwood Elem

Oak Hill Elem

Oak Ridge Elem

Oak View Elem

Pearce Elem

Parkview Elem

Peck Elem

Pilot Elem

Pleasant Garden Elem

Peeler Elem

Rankin Elem

Reedy Fork Elem

Sedalia Elem

Sedgefield Elem

Shadybrook Elem

Simpkins Elem

Southern Elem

Southwest Elem

Sternberger ELem

Stokesdale Elem

Sumner Elem

Union Hill Elem

Christine J Greene Education Center

Doris Henderson Newcomers School

Gateway Education Center

Haynes-Inman Education Center

Herbin-Metz Education Center

Sparkle Boy by  Leslea Newman

Gateway Education Center

10,000 Dresses by Marcus Ewert and Ilustrated by Rex Ray

Alamance Elem

Allen Jay Elem

Bessemer Elem

Brightwood Elem

Brooks Elem

Colfax Elem

Cone Elem

E P Pearce Elem

Erwin Elem

Fairview Elem

Florence Elem

Foust Elem

Frazier Elem

General Greene Elem

Gibsonville Elem

Gillespie Elem

Guilford Elem

Hunter Elem

Jamestown Elem

Jefferson Elem

Jesse Wharton Elem

Jones Elem

Joyner Elem

Kirkman Park Elem

Lindley Elem

Madison Elem

Mills Road Elem

Monticello Brown Summit

Montlieu Academy

Morehead Elem

Murphey Elem

Northern Elem

Northwood Elem

Oak Hill Elem

Oak Ridge Elem

Oak View Elem

Parkview ELem

Pearce Elem

Peck Elem

Peeler Elem

Pilot Elem

Pleasant Garden

Rankin Elem

Reedy Fork Elem

Sedalia Elem

Sedgefield Elem

Shadybrook Elem

Simkins Elem

Southern Elem

Southwest Elem

Stokesdale Elem

Sumner Elem

Union Hill Elem

Christine J Greene Education Center

Doris Henderson Newcomers School

Gateway Education Center

Haynes-Inman Education Center

Herbin-Metz Education Center

What Are Your Words? by Katherine Locke

Alamance Elem

Erwin Elem

Falkener Elem

Frazier Elem

Jones Elem

NcNair Elem

Reedy Fork Elem

Southwest Elem

Stokesdale Elem

Sumner Elem

When Aidan Became a Brother by Kyle Lukoff

Alamance Elem

Alderman Elem

Allen Jay Elem

Bessemer Elem

Bluford Peeler Steam Academy

Brightwood Elem

Brooks Elem

Claxton Elem

Colfax Elem

Cone Elem

EP Pearce Elem

Erwin Elem

Fairview Elem

Falkener Elem

Florence Elem

Foust Elem

Frazier Elem

General Greene Elem

Gibsonville Elem

Gillespie Elem

Guilford Elem

Hunter Elem

Irving Park Elem

Jamestown Elem

Jefferson Elem

Jesse Wharton Elem

Johnson Street Global Studies

Jones Elem

Joyner Elem

Kirkman Elem

Lindley Elem

Madison Elem

Mills Road Elem

Monticello Brown Summit Elem

Montlieu Academy

Morehead Elem

Murphey Elem

Northern Elem

Northwood Elem

Oak Hill Elem

Oak Ridge Elem

Oak View Elem

Parkview Elem

Pearce Elem

Peck Elem

Peeler Elem

Pilot Elem

Pleasant Garden Elem

Rankin Elem

Reedy Fork Elem

Sedalia Elem

Sedgefield Elem

Simkins Elem

Southern  Elem

Southwest Elem

Sternberger Elem

Stokesdale Elem

Sumner Elem

Union Hill Elem

Christine J Greene Education Center

Doris Henderson Newcomers School

Gateway Education Center

Haynes-Inman Education Center

Herbin-Metz Education Center

 Pavement Education Project...engaging, and mobilizing the public for positive change in education.

The Pavement Education Project is composed of non-partisan volunteers who are concerned with the well being of children and the rights of parents and guardians. The PEP mission is to inform, engage, and mobilize parents and communities for positive change in education and educational issues. Join our team to get involved.

The Pavement Education Project is a non-profit, non-partisan 501 (c)(4) organization. Any donations will go towards  projects that support educating and engaging North Carolina communities and families. Contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. 

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